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Vice Chancellor’s Message

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali

Old Ravians’ Union 

Dear Ravians,

A renowned Pakistan novelist has written: “Lahore as a city inspires the art in all their forms.” I would say, GCU is that unique educational institution of Lahore which inspires the arts and all other kinds of creative activities in their best forms.

President’s Message

Mr. Athar Ismail Amjad

Dear Ravians,

Let me admit upfront that Almighty Allah has bestowed upon me a great honour by affording me the opportunity to serve as President of the Old Ravians’ Union for the next two years. This opportunity will enable me to pay back to my alma mater atleast a fraction of what I have received from this greatest of the great educational institutions of the sub-continent.

Secretary General’s Message

Mr. Shahab Basharat

Dear Ravians,

Being an old Ravian I believe it is our collective responsibility to give a better institution to the students. This can only be attained by supporting the administration of GCU. In our tenure we will try to bring Old Ravians closer to studying Ravians to enhance their horizon. We will try to serve organisation to the best of our abilities.

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